Through his work, René Lalique explored the decorative possibilities of flora, fauna and the female form. Among fauna, the swallow particularly inspired him, which he then made the centrepiece of many jewels and decorative objects. With grace and lightness, they spread their wings with finely chiselled feathers.
Discovery is the essence of travel. After exploring the most wonderful places on Earth and their scented treasures, the perfumer now faces oceans seeking a most precious ingredient: ambergris, said to come from a magic undersea fountain. Explorers’ and sailors’ exhilaration when catching sight of earth after a long journey has no comparison…except the perfumer’s euphoria when coming across ambergris and smelling it for the first time.
The Fragrance:
The ambergris is one of the rare perfume ingredients coming from the sea: it comes from a concretion produced by a whale. These concretions float on water and endure the sun’s rays, which gives ambergris its special scent. The blocks are found on beaches of South American coasts. Ambergris has a magical connotation. In the 1001 Nights, Sindbad the sailor tells about a discovery he has made on a remote island: ambergris flowing from a fountain into the sea. Its outstanding scent is warm, sensuous, evoking honey, tobacco, animal notes and also iod and sea.
Scented Candle 750 g (26.5 Oz.)
Clear Crystal
White wax
Burning time: 80 hours
When there is only a small quantity of wax left in the crystal container, it can be used as a vase after removing the remaining wax
Perfumer: Dorothée Piot
Handcrafted in France