China - Coffee Sets
Hermès Guadalquivir

Out of all of the cities of Spain, Seville is possibly the most extraordinary. In no other place can one meet, christian westerners, muslims, and people from the orient. Together they give life an evocative scenery. Hermès has dedicated their porcelain collection, "Balcons du Guadalquivir", to this inimitable city. As the name suggests, is inspired by the ornamental tradition characterized by the wrought iron balconies found in Seville.
  • 6 coffee cups with saucers
    • 6 coffee cups with saucers
      900.00 €
    • La linea Balcon du Guadalquivir propone decori rosso vivo sulla preziosa porcellana bianca ispirati agli ornamenti in ferro battuto dei balconi spagnoli.
  • creamer
    • creamer
      225.00 €
  • sugar pot
    • sugar pot
      328.00 €
    • Inspired by the ironwork of Southern Spain, Balcon Du Guadalquivir’s vibrant contrast and bold, graphic look is an elegant addition to any table.